Projects with various medical specialist associations, among others, regarding the application for the further development of the G-DRG systems (InEK proposal procedure), the application for the OPS or ICD classification (DIMDI proposal procedure) and the application for the funding of medical innovations (NUB request procedure)

Projects with renowned national and international medical product and pharmaceutical producers, among others, the analysis of the current reimbursement situation within the G-DRG system with subsequent strategic consulting, the application for the further development of the G-DRG systems (InEK proposal procedure), the application for the annual revision of the OPS classification (DIMDI proposal procedure), the application for the financing of medical innovations (NUB inquiry procedure) and GBA (Federal Joint Committee) procedures according §137e und §137h SGB V

Projects with hospitals in Germany regarding the G-DRG system

Seminars, training of sales representatives and lectures concerning the G-DRG system

Creation of coding advice and product brochures on the reimbursement situation within the G-DRG system

Consulting of the Federal Ministry of Health on the review of hospital bills

Single expert for the public hearing of the German Bundestag regarding the draft law for the elimination of excessive social demands in the case of contribution debts in health insurance on May 13, 2013

Expert opinions for social courts concerning cases of hospital accounting/billing